Assignment 19 - It's so Surreal! Part One

By Syed Emon

By Alice Yoo
  • What is the difference between real and surreal?  What does it mean when, in conversation, someone says, "That's so SURREAL!"?  Take a look at the images below created by two Surreal artists and think about where the images take the viewer and why.

Real image means the picture we take that is realistic. Surreal image means we use the photoshop or other ways to change the actual image to be more creative and that will not happen to our real life. When someone says that's so surreal; it means the picture is unexpected and imaginative. From the picture what I chose, in our mind, the dolphins are leaping out from the sea, and the image is a 3D virtual version, that shows the dolphins are leaping out from the iPhone. People feel surprised. The second picture, we can see a girl is riding a paper crane across on the sea. That is unreasonable in our real life; it can bring people visual convulsion.


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